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Wise - Cashback 5%

What does the promotion consist of?

From January 1st to December 31st, add funds using wise, and get 5% cashback.

How long is the promotion valid?

All users who perform the "Add" transactions using WISE during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2024, will be participating under the above conditions.

In which countries will the promotion apply?

The promotion is valid for all Airtm users except those countries where prohibited by local law.

What conditions must be fulfilled?

  • Have an Airtm account, and have completed the verification process.
  • Have added using Wise as payment method during January 1 to December 31.
  • You Must click the blue bottom from email or pop up to get the reward.

How and when the benefit will be paid?:

  • The benefit will consist of a cashback equivalent to 5% of the amount of AirUSD that the User has added to his/her Airtm account for one time only and within the period of the promotion. 
  • The user must receive the promotion via email
  • The maximum amount that Airtm will give per User as cashback is $10 AirUSD.
  • The maximum monthly amount that Airtm will provide in total as cashback during this promotion is $1000 AirUSD.
  • Payment of the benefit will take place within 24 hours after the completion of the above-mentioned transactions.
  • The benefit may not be exchanged for any other good or any other benefit other than those provided for in these Rules. All costs arising from the participation or from obtaining or assigning and withdrawing the benefit, as well as any tax, fee, contribution, tariff, or sum of money currently payable due to the participation in the promotion or that may be imposed in the future on the benefit, as well as the expenses, without limitation, of travel and stay incurred when claiming, withdrawing or using the benefit, as well as any other, shall be at the exclusive charge of the User. 

Additional Conditions:

  • The promotion applies to individual accounts and will be void where prohibited by local law.
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any participant we suspect of violating these rules or engaging in fraudulent transactions.
  • Only those accounts that are verified and are individual accounts (no enterprise, ambassadors, influencers) will be eligible as winners.

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