Create and Share! (Airners Community)

Create a Visual Art, choosing the style or technique of your preference: 

1) General: All audiovisual art techniques and styles.

2) Digital: Digital drawing.

3) Traditional: Pencil, watercolor, oil, acrylic, etc.

4) Short animation

Share it on your favorite social network and participate to win $80 USDC.

How to participate?

  1. Create your art, selecting from the categories mentioned in point 2 (size and format/style, free choice).

  2. Categories: (choose only one)

  • 1) Process of earning money online: Visually represent the different steps involved in generating online income, from the initial idea to the withdrawal of profits.

  • 2) Airtm Services: Visually represent your preferred service and how it makes it easy for you to manage your money.

  • 3) Character from Airtm: Visually represent one of the characters shared in our social networks, in a context related to online money generation.

  1. Share it on our Discord (you can go directly to the channel by clicking on the link or enter from the server in the channel #||Participation) along with the Hashtag #CreateAndShareByAirnersCommunity and on your social network of choice, within the following (only one): Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, mentioning us. Keep in mind that your post will need to be seen, so your account must be public.

  1. Finally, upload the link of your social network publication in this link and ready, you will be participating for one of our prizes.

How, when and what are the prizes? 

     Three winners (1 per category) will be selected by our evaluation committee and the following criteria will be considered: creativity, originality, adherence to the chosen theme, effort and visual impact. In case there is no participation in any of the 3 categories, the winners will be selected within the category(ies) where there are participants. Prizes will be sent to the Airtm account of each winning participant, to be credited within 10 working days after the announcement on the server, which will be made on September 6, 2024.

Additional Terms and Conditions:

  1. ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES. Those who participate in the Promotion, by their mere participation, declare to know and accept each and every one of the terms described in these Rules. Said terms may be modified by the Organizer, without altering the essence of the Promotion or affecting the rights acquired by the participants. Such modifications will be published in the same media as these Bases, without altering the acceptance previously given by the participant.  

  2. SCOPE AND VALIDITY. The contest will be valid for people with an active and verified individual Airtm account, during the period of its validity, starting on August 8, 2024 at 00:01 am, ending on August 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm (Mexico City time), people from any country where Airtm provides services and who are part of our Discord can participate.

  3. ORGANIZER AND FACULTIES. The Organizer, without any burden, obligation and/or liability whatsoever, may: a) modify these Terms and Conditions by publishing the new instrument on the website www.airtm. io to consider the potential participants and the participants as notified, b) request the revalidation or rectification of the registrations, c) cancel or suspend this contest, d) extend each of the terms and dates set before the end of the registration period provided in these Rules, e) modify the date of delivery of the Benefit or execution of the same, which may not exceed twelve (12) months, f) request the participants at any time before the end of the contest to verify their data and / or to verify their registration, g) request the participants at any time before the end of the contest, h) modify the date of delivery of the Benefit or execution of the same, which may not be longer than twelve (12) months, i) request the participants at any time before the end of the contest to verify their data and / or the dates set before the end of the registration period provided in these Rules, f) request participants at any time before the end of the contest to verify their data and/or corroborate and/or rectify them, as well as to ratify their participation g) We reserve the right to disqualify any participant that we suspect of violating these rules or participating in fraudulent transactions h) Participating publications must be shared on social networks during the duration of the contest, complying with the requirements specified in the section of How to participate? .

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