• What is the new regulation in Argentina about?

The Argentine regulation requires companies, local or foreign, that provide services related to crypto assets, to register as Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP) with the National Securities Commission (CNV) and as regulated entities with the Financial Information Unit (UIF). This will help contribute to a safer crypto ecosystem.

  • How does this affect me?

Airtm is registered with the CNV as a VASP. VASPs that register must comply with the Financial Information Unit's (UIF) money laundering prevention rules, including reports of suspicious transactions or transactions that exceed the amount required by the regulation (you can find more information here (Article 39(a), Resolution 49/2024 UIF).

  • Who does Airtm report transactions to?

Airtm will report transactions that meet certain descriptions to the FIU, the body that regulates and controls measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. For more information refer to Resolution 49/2024.

*AirConnect LLC is a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) registered under No. 82 dated September 20, 2024 in the Registry of Virtual Asset Service Providers of the CNV (Argentinian Securities Commission). This registration is for the purpose of control as Obliged Entity before the Financial Information Unit (FIU) and any other regulatory entity empowered for such purpose, within the framework of its competences, and does not imply license or supervision by the Argentinian Securities and Exchange Commission over the activity carried out by the VASP.

*This information is for informational purposes only. You agree and understand that we do not purport to provide any financial or tax advice. 

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